A Hybrid Evolutionary Approach Applied to the Economic Dispatch Problem with Prohibited Operating Zones and Uncertainties
Economic Dispatch Problem, evolutionary computation, robust optimizationAbstract
In order to be able to implement a solution to a real world problem, it must be solved taking into account the uncertainties in the associated model. In fact, there is a possibility that the action of a small uncertainty on a nominal solution obtained for a real world problem may become completely meaningless in practice. This paper presents a hybrid algorithm, HEA-GA-SA, to solve the Economic Dispatch Problem with Prohibited Operating Zones and Uncertainties. HEA-GA-SA considers the worst case of parametric uncertainties. The parameter in which the uncertainties have been considered is the power of generating units. The proposed algorithm proved to be effective to solve this problem. Despite having higher computational and dispatch costs than that of the nominal optimal solutions, the robust solutions found by HEA-GA-SA do not become unfeasible in the presence of uncertainties. Therefore, they can be implemented in the real world. The experiments showed that all nominal optimal solutions analyzed (including two in literature) became infeasible in the presence of uncertainties. They violated some of the constraints imposed on the problem, such as the Prohibited Operation Zones (POZs) or the power intervals in which each generator can operate. It was also observed that the presence of POZs makes the problem more difficult and vulnerable to uncertainty.
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