A Review of Privacy-Preserving Aggregation Schemes for Smart Grid
Smart Grids, Data privacy, Security, Information security, Cryptography , Meter reading, Power DistributionAbstract
Smart Grid aims to make the use of electricity reliable, sustainable, scalable, fault-tolerant, and efficient. For this purpose, it uses information and communication technologies. However, there are issues related to information security threats. For example, an adversary monitoring data metering from consumers could trace their habits. Traditional encryption techniques resolve this question against external attackers. However, the operation center still could trace the consumer’s habits. Thus, to preserve consumer’s privacy, even against internal threats, the data must be aggregated by groups of consumers, representing a geographic area. A usual way to make it possible is through the use of homomorphic cryptography, since it allows making arithmetic operation over encrypted data. Thus, this article reviews the literature on privacy-preserving data aggregation schemes against internal and external attackers. It also presents the information security requirements for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and its operation.
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