A New Admittance Approach Applicable to the Coordination Between the Loss-of-Excitation Protection and the Underexcitation Limiter
admittance plane, ansi 40 protection, Hardware in the Loop, underexcitation limiter, coordinationAbstract
The performance of salient-pole synchronous generators protection is of great importance for the stability of power systems, as they are present in large hydropower plants, subject to various abnormal operating conditions such as three-phase or two-phase faults, electromechanical disturbances and loss-of-excitation. In this context, this work proposes a testing philosophy of salient-pole synchronous generators, in order to define more accurately the setting of the protections and controls of this asset. Thus, in the developed methodology, the admittance plan (G-B) proves applicable to analyze the coordination between the loss-of-excitation protection and the underexcitation limiter, as an alternative to the power (P-Q) and impedance (R-X) planes, normally employed in literature. In modeling the problem, real data for both the hydrogenerators and the electrical network are used. The simulations were performed in a hardware-in-the loop scheme integrated by a Real Time Digital Simulator and a physical relay. Thus, analyzes are made for situations of stable power swing and partial and total loss-of-excitation. The results are useful to prove, through the monitoring of relevant variables of the hydrogenerators, the feasibility and accuracy of the G-B plane in the coordination between the protection and the control of the synchronous machine.
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