MIHR: A Human-Robot Interaction Model
ROBOT, social robot, Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics.Abstract
The interactions between people and social robots have generated positive effects on people of different ages in diverse contexts. A model of the interaction process is important to understand the person who interacts, in order to manage the internal dynamics of interaction in the social robots. There are models that describe the interaction between humans and machines, but they don’t integrate the three most important elements to be considered during the interactions by the social robots: the modalities of human communication, the capacity of adaptation, and the expression of emotions. In this paper, a review of the interaction models between people and social robots is made, in order to analyze what has been done about these three important elements of the interaction. Then, it is proposed a Human-Robot Interaction Model (MIHR) based on a Human-Human Interaction Model (MIHH) previously developed, which integrates the main elements to be considered during the interactions by the social robots.
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