Representing Chemical Events by using Mathematical Notation from Pre-conceptual Schemas


  • Paola Andrea Noreña Cardona Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo, Ph.D. Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Aixa Eileen Villamizar Jaimes, Ms.C. Tecnológico de Antioquia


Chemical event, Event representation, Mathematical Notation, Pre-conceptual Schemas, Scientific Software Domain


Events are occurrences that happen in systems. Events can be chemical, which are natural phenomena studied from chemical field. Such events modify chemical composition of the substances when they combine with other substances. Chemical experts represent such events by using scientific models, which are used for describing and recognizing behavior of the real-world. Such models are integrated into scientific software systems. However, software engineering models lack mathematical notation for representing chemical events. Hence, in this paper we propose a chemical event representation by using mathematical notation from pre-conceptual schemas. Such schemas are used for representing events in scientific software domains. The representation proposed allows for analyzing chemical events from software engineering in order to produce scientific software systems from chemical field.


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How to Cite

Noreña Cardona, P. A., Zapata Jaramillo, C. M., & Villamizar Jaimes, A. E. (2019). Representing Chemical Events by using Mathematical Notation from Pre-conceptual Schemas. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 17(1), 46–53. Retrieved from

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