Guidelines for Special Issue
Guidelines for Guest Editors Managing a Special Issue
- Guest Editors (GE) should submit their proposals to Editor-in-Chief .
- Special Issues (SI) are in charge of three (not more, not less) well known experts in the field of proposal, from academia (associate or full professors) and industry/research institutions (senior researchers/scientists). These three experts will be known as Guest Editors.
Their profile shall meet Guidelines for Associate Editor appointment. One of them should be an Associate Editor of IEEE LATAMT. Guest Editors cannot be involved at the same time in any other SI (neither in IEEE LATAMT or in other journals). Guest Editors must include both Spanish and Portuguese speakers.
- Guest Editors will include in the SI proposal a Guest Editorial Board (GEB) of at least 30 experts (45 maximum) to review manuscripts. The GEB must include Spanish and Portuguese speakers, all the members must have fluent English.
- Special Issue Application Form will include:
- Title of the Special Issue
- A comprehensive rationale and a short abstract to be included in Call for Papers (CfP) (150-200 words).
- A detailed list of topics (not more than 20).
- GEs biographies.
- A detailed list of potential authors.
Once the SI proposal has been approved, the EiC Office will provide a template in order to create the CfP.
- Post conference-based SI proposals are not acceptable. No exceptions: the paper submitted to the SI should meet the requirement of related to the Plagiarism percentage match in
- IEEE LATAMT acceptance rate is around 18%; normally, 30-40 submissions are expected for a typical SI and only 10 accepted papers (at most) will be approved by EiC.
- The proposal will be evaluated and reviewed by EiC.
- Typical SI schedule is as follows (include dates in the proposal):
- Call for papers: date of approval.
- Submission deadline: date of approval + 180 days maximum.
- First round of the review process: submission deadline + 40 days maximum.
- First revision: 45 days.
- Second round of the review (of R1-paper): 15 days maximum.
- Revision of “Minor Revision” papers: 15 days maximum.
- Submitting papers to IEEE LATAM, authors must fully agree with IEEE Publication Policy.
- Plagiarism check is performed by IEEE on all. Papers with degree of similarity SI > 30% will be prescreened by editorial board for possible immediate rejection.
- Authors cannot submit more than two papers.
Proposing a Special Issue, Guest Editors agree to submit:
- A State of the Art (SoA) / Survey paper (up to twelve pages and recommended no more than 100 references); deadline for SoA: one month before the final submission deadline.
- A four page Guest Editorial Paper (GEP) with a critical introduction on the SI papers; deadline for GEP: 15 days after the end of the review process.
- Two research papers per GE at most, including joint papers (but excluding SoA and GEP). Guest Editors’ papers will be managed by an independent Associate Editor nominated by EiC, the same procedure applies to papers submitted by authors with the same affiliation of GE. It is full responsibility of Guest Editors to inform the EiC about cases of potential conflict of interest among one or more GE and the author/s of submitted papers.
Special sections may be considered under the same guidelines when the number of accepted articles is less than 10.