Non-uniform Airflow Analysis of a Greenhouse Extractor Axial with Conical Diffusers using CFD Simulation



Wind power, computer modeling, ventilation, alternative sources, air tunnel


Interest in wind energy use has increased in recent years, specifically in the study field of protected agriculture. To harness residual wind energy produced in an air exhaust system, a wind energy recovery system could be installed using a horizontal axis wind turbine, designed according to airflow conditions at the system outlet. For this reason, airstream in a greenhouse exhaust system was analyzed, wherefore a set of extractors with different number and blades wide, air attack angle, angular velocity and geometry exhaust duct were designed. Subsequently, some simulations were performed by Computational Fluid Dynamics based on different boundary conditions and according two pipeline geometric configurations: with simple and double conical diffuser. 3D model resolution was based on numerically solving the Navier-Stokes equations by means of a finite volume discretization method. With this information 36 2D images of velocity contours and another 36 in 3D of the output airflow streamlines were obtained, also speed and power curves were constructed with respect to geometric model and exhaust system. Moreover, air flow, torque, and power of exhaust system were determined. Finally, opening and flow angle values inside and outside the exhaust system airstream were estimated. By implementing a waste wind energy recovery system at a greenhouse extraction system outlet, will be possible to improve the use of generated airstream, which in most cases is expelled to the outside.


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Author Biographies

Eugenio Romantchik-Kriuchkova, Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo

Eugenio Romantchik-Kriuchkova Doctor en Ingenier´ıa Mec´anica por el Instituto Polit´ecnico de Bielorrusia. Desde 1992 es profesor-investigador en el Departamento de Ingenier´ıa Mec´anica Agr´ıcola de la Universidad Aut´onoma Chapingo (UACh). Fundador del Posgrado e Instituto de Ingenier´ıa Agr´ıcola y uso Integral del Agua. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel I. Sus l´ıneas de investigaci´on son: Mecanizaci´on, Automatizaci´on y Fuentes de Energ´ıa Renovables en la Agricultura. Ha dirigido diversos proyectos de investigaci´on y desarrollos tecnol´ogicos los cuales est´an patentados en diferentes pa´ıses.

Alberto Mauricio Santos-Hern´andez, Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo

Alberto Mauricio Santos-Hern´andez en 2011 culmin´o sus estudios de Maestr´ıa en el posgrado de Ingenierıa Agr´ıcola y uso Integral del Agua en la UACh. Graduado a nivel Doctorado en 2017 de la misma universidad mediante el plan de estudios con especializaci´on en Mecanizaci´on Agr´ıcola y ´enfasis en fuentes alternativas de energ´ıa.

Eduardo Rios-Urbán, Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Chicoloapan

Eduardo R´ıos-Urb´an Doctor en Ingenier´ıa Agr´ıcola y uso Integral del Agua desde 2017 en la UACh. Maestro graduado en Ciencias en Sistemas Energ´eticos por la Escuela Superior de Ingenier´ıa Mec´anica y El´ectrica del Instituto Polit´ecnico Nacional (IPN), 2013. Es Ingeniero en Energ´ıa, especialista en Sistemas T´ermicos Solares.

Diego Terrazas-Ahumada, Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo

Diego Terrazas-Ahumada Ingeniero Egresado del Departamento de Ingenier´ıa Mec´anica Agr´ıcola de la UACh. En 2016 comenz´o sus estudios de Maestr´ıa en el posgrado de Ingenier´ıa Agr´ıcola y uso Integral del Agua, con especializaci´on en Mecanizaci´on y Energ´ıas Renovables.


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How to Cite

Romantchik-Kriuchkova, E., Santos-Hern´andez, A. M., Rios-Urbán, E., & Terrazas-Ahumada, D. (2021). Non-uniform Airflow Analysis of a Greenhouse Extractor Axial with Conical Diffusers using CFD Simulation. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 19(8), 1325–1334. Retrieved from