Low Cost Smartband to Prevent COVID-19



smart band, COVID-19, low cost


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), one of the main means of contagion in the second wave of contamination by the coronavirus (COVID-19) is the hands. Every moment, the hands are used to greet people and handle objects, but shortly thereafter, it is common to use them to touch the face. Such an involuntary action can take all kinds of harmful agents into our bodies. Hence, this work aims to present and share the development of a low cost bracelet that helps the user not to touch the face with the hands. As a result, it is expected to reduce the spread of this virus through this type of contagion. For this, the bracelet monitors the position of the hands and issues an alert when it detects the approach of the hand to the face as a warning to the user not do this. Initially, a first prototype was made to observe local public (state of Alagoas-Brazil) interest in the product. This way, there were a positive feedback from public. The sequence of the project was extended in the development of the product such a way that it can be used by the final public in risky regions. Due to its low cost, this bracelet can be used by people from underdeveloped countries like Brazil, and countries in Africa to stop practicing this harmful habit for their health. In this sense, some financial grants for Humanitarian relief efforts can be considered. Thanks to government funding, 500 bracelet units are being made for donation to the state of Alagoas, Brazil. It is important to mention that the objective of this work is not to replace the existing preventing methods, but to offer a bracelet proposition to come as an extra support to reduce even more that risk to contract COVID-19. Hence, the solution can be added with all other existing in order to decrease even more the chances of contracting COVID-19. Therefore, the social distance, the use of
masks and a good hand hygiene are still the safest way to avoid COVID-19. However, our bracelet can help people to avoid the eye touching, such habit can lead to COVID-19 that traditional low cost cotton masks do not protect and is more comfortably for hours of use than face shields.


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Author Biographies

Davi Carnauba Lima Vieira, Federal Institute of Alagoas

Recebeu o diploma de graduação em ciências da computação pelo Instituto de Ensino Superior de Alagoas (IESA) em 2006. Posteriormente, recebeu os diplomas de mestrado e doutorado em ciências da computação pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) em 2010 e 2016, respectivamente. Desde 2014 está no Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL), Campus Satuba, Brasil, onde atualmente é Professor de Ciência da Computação e Informática. Dr. Vieira tem experiência como analista de sistemas. Seus interesses de pesquisa incluem Inteligência Artificial, Sistemas Operacionais e Robótica.

Gregory Arthur De Almeida Carlos, Federal Institute of Alagoas

Recebeu os diplomas de graduação (2011), mestrado (2012), e doutorado (2016) em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). De novembro de 2015 a março 2016 realizou estágio de doutorado sanduíche (SWE/CNPq) na Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Indianapolis, IN, Estados Unidos da América (EUA), como pesquisador visitante. Desde 2011, atua como professor EBTT e pesquisador no Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL), Campus Palmeira dos Índios, Alagoas, Brasil. Entre março de 2017 a fevereiro de 2018 atuou como pesquisador de pós-doutorado na UFCG. Seus interesses incluem eletrônica de potência, acionamento de máquinas, sistemas de energias, controle e automação de processos, e tecnologias emergentes. Dr. Carlos é membro da sociedade de Eletrônica Industrial do IEEE (do inglês IEEE Industrial Electronics Society).

Jose Irineu, Instituto Federal de Alagoas

Graduado em Tecnologia de Sistemas Elétricos pelo IFAL - Campus Palmeira dos Índios (2019). Possui formação técnica em Eletroeletrônica pelo IFAL - Campus Arapiraca (2016). Atualmente está cursando o Mestrado em
Informática na Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL). Algumas de suas áreas de interesse incluem: Instalações Elétricas, Eletrônica, Sistemas Embarcados e Projetos de Placas de Circuito Impresso (PCI)



How to Cite

Carnauba Lima Vieira, D., De Almeida Carlos, G. A., & Irineu, J. . (2021). Low Cost Smartband to Prevent COVID-19. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 19(6), 1057–1064. Retrieved from https://latamt.ieeer9.org/index.php/transactions/article/view/4410



Special Issue on Fighting against COVID-19